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Get the tools that will allow you to: 




even if you've FAILED in the past and feel completely STUCK.

I want you to know that YOU CAN FINALLY STOP STRUGGLING with your weight - forever!


Here's the BEST part:


You can achieve & maintain your ideal weight - even while you enjoy your favorite pleasures






I remember how uncomfortable I felt back then (picture on the left)...

I just wanted to FEEL better in my own skin.

I wanted to STOP feeling like I needed to to always cover up and hide.

Back then, I was doing all the "right things".

But no matter how "good" (READ: strict) I was being, that extra 20 pounds just wouldn't budge.  

And all that effort just made me more exhausted and even more hopeless.

I felt like I was always spinning my wheels - chasing after a better diet or workout...or trying to figure out what was causing my stubborn weight.

I'd try and fail - try and fail...get exhausted and then I'd just want to give up.

"Why even bother!"



STUBBORN weight loss is definitely about MORE than the food you eat

and yet...

What, how and how much you eat still matters -



But you don't need a restrictive, structured, deprivation type "DIET" to get there.


Which is why I'd LOVE to invite you to join my



For the first time, I'm offering Nutrition Mastery as a stand alone DIY program - including extra bonuses -  that will finally get you un-stuck so that you can find a way of eating and indulging you LOVE and lose that extra weight for GOOD. 


This program allows YOU to choose your preferred nutrition/eating approach.

Whether you're plant based, paleo or keto - as long as you're eating real food in the right balance for YOUR physiology, YOU GET TO CHOOSE the way of eating that works best for YOU!


Nutrition Mastery encourages you to indulge EVERY WEEK....yep - wine, dessert, cheese? 

You choose what "IT" is and then determine the "DOSE" that still gives you the results you want....You get to determine this entirely based upon what it is YOU really want. Cheers! 🥂 


You must eat in-balance for your body to come into balance, but this approach doesn't require obsessive tracking, tedious meal planning or  prep...You could even eat take-out every day and get to your goal - as long as you follow the simple real food framework I give you.

Why I'm on a MISSION to help women just like you...

I was on that YO-YO DIET 'STRUGGLE-BUS' for a really LOOOooong time....

  • Even with a Master's Degree in Nutrition, I was stuck too...I spent years trying to figure it out - and I FINALLY DID (and it's NOT complicated - I promise)!  I lost 20 pounds a few years ago - enjoying wine and other indulgences EVERY WEEK - and I continue to keep it off effortlessly! I'm on a mission to help you get to your happy weight in a sustainable way that you LOVE too... (Without you EVER resorting to another Yo-Yo, Restrictive, Unsustainable Diet ever again!)
  • Because I've been down this road - maybe you have too - I REALLY understand how miserable this can feel.  I have a special place in my heart for women who've been doing all the right things with nothing to show for it.  
  • As a board certified clinical nutritionist, I KNOW the science. I specialize in women's hormones and weight loss - and I know the approaches that WORK - and I know what doesn't work. I help you cut through the diet bull 💩 so that you avoid the confusion, contradictions and dogma that INFEST the diet industry today.
  • I'm a Life Coach too because I finally learned that science only goes so far - your MIND drives your food choices - and even your hormones and metabolism. So you need to work at that mindset level! This I know - for sure!
  • I practice and redefine "self-care"...It's not about bubble baths. Self care is about being aligned with your thinking and your 'doing' more than anything else. You're connected and honest with your body's true needs vs. eating mindlessly and emotionally which drives habits and cravings (which then leads to weight gain - or losing and gaining the same 5-10-20 pounds over and over again - never really getting anywhere).


If any of this rings true, you're in the EXACT right place because I really do care.

We speak each other's language.

We share a common bond.

WE'RE DONE WITH B.S. DIETS and we're READY to live without always trying to lose weight and obsessing about food.

You'll find that this approach is simpler than you ever could've imagined - and I'm here to help you get to the other side and to help you all along the way.



"My first "before & after" selfie! This was before I worked with Evelyn for the first time, and then this morning at the gym now 15 pounds lighter! I'm down 5 pounds in the last 6 weeks, 10 more pounds to go for goal weight!"

Age 52
Lesson 1


Learn the nutrition and metabolic 'facts' that apply to women that you might not realize...

If you've been struggling with your weight, you likely don't have these basics down, so I provide a bit of the Nutrition 101 here to give you an easy to understand platform to build from.

Not to worry, this approach is so simple to implement AND is designed for you to personalize for your food preferences, budget and schedule. 

AND it's structured so that you get the results you want.  If something's not working, you adjust the plan!  

It's as fluid, flexible and customize-able as you need it to be.

You won't believe how complicated the weight loss industry makes everything.

There are no points to count, no need to weigh or measure your foods - and there's no need to cut out any real foods completely (unless they cause problems for you)...

The basics - which make up your flexible eating framework - have GOT to work for YOU - or else - it WON'T WORK for you!

Lesson 2


You've GOT to make it your very own!

This is the fun part because YOU get to choose:

  • Your Eating Track  - which simply means you either choose your version of a Low carb/Keto approach OR a Moderate Carbohydrate approach. The lesson and the detailed guide walks you through how to decide what's best for your body and life. You're completely empowered here!

    Using my simple system, YOU select the ideal servings of any real whole foods within each category for your chosen eating track or approach.

    This is key if you have food preferences, dietary beliefs or food sensitivities.

    This system works easily on the run, at restaurants and in social gatherings too! 

    You don't need to be perfectly strict with it either! You just aim for the framework and foods that YOU KNOW work best for you...There's no stressing out about 'what to eat' allowed here!

  • You decide your Intermittent Fasting schedule and meal frequency.  Whether you stick with what you know works for you or experiment with longer fasting windows or different meal timing...this program takes the mystery and confusion out of fasting so that you can make it as flexible and intuitive as you'd like!

    NOTE: If you prefer 3 meals a day and breakfast right when you wake up - Guess what?  As long as you're not eating in your sleep, you're still intermittent fasting!

  • My favorite part: You choose your weekly indulgences! It's gotta be totally worth it and enjoyed with ZERO guilt or regrets! YAY! This is what makes this a lifestyle, totally doable for the long-term.
Lesson 3


When you're ready...

The sooner you jump in, the sooner you'll see results and be on your way to a lifetime of food and weight freedom...

  • This is where you use the tools provided to set your baseline, make your plan (as roughly or as detailed as you want it to be) and GO!
  • Keep it simple! I know from my own life that when it comes to eating and meal prep - even if that means grabbing something quick for dinner at the grocery store - meals must be simple and satisfying. You can be fancy if you want to, but you don't ever need to be.
  • The meal suggestions, meal plans, easy recipes, shopping list, prep tips and worksheets are all there to ensure your success. 
  • There's even access to a private community where you and other members can share and support each other over the first critical month. I'll be there for you too - to field any questions and to help you if you ever feel stuck.

"When I put on weight after my divorce, I tried everything to take it off, but nothing worked. It wasn't until Ev taught me how to keep it simple, how to remove the foods that were inflaming me, how to listen to my body and how to indulge mindfully - that I was able to lose over 50 pounds. I now continue to lose almost effortlessly! My journey goes beyond the diet of course, but Ev taught me how to make it work for me and I know that this is something I'll happily stick with for life!"

Age 47

Here’s what you’re getting when you join today:

The COMPLETE Nutrition Mastery Program

PLUS bonuses - a $350+ Value

that includes: 


  • Immediate access to an exclusive password protected online portal that houses all of your Nutrition Mastery Program materials including 3 guided video lessons with action steps following each lesson. You can implement each lesson NOW or go at your own pace - whenever you're ready!
  • A 20+ page Nutrition Guidebook including detailed (but easy to understand) nutrition curriculum, my proprietary (super simple) system for building your own personalized nutrition framework (that I use with every single 1:1 client in my practice) and useful worksheets to build your plan and track progress.
  • If you need more specific "structure", you also get two 'Done For You' Meal Plan options one is more Low/Carb Keto and the other includes more carbs. Each plan includes a week's worth of quick, convenient meals, based on a gradual intermittent fasting schedule (2 meals per day), optional snacks, and simple recipes with a complete shopping list.
  • BONUS #1: Mindset, Planning, Tracking and Triage Worksheets to help you create and stick with your plan based on your schedule/travel/social gatherings as well as to aid in troubleshooting any potential issues along the way.
  • BONUS #2: Month long access to our very own private community app (I'm available in there to answer any of your questions).
  • BONUS #3: You'll have the option to apply 100% of the investment that you make here toward the upcoming 8 week Weight Loss Mastery Group Coaching Program (which runs 2-3 times per year) and includes weekly direct online group coaching by me! Since this (Nutrition Mastery) program contains Module 1 of the larger more comprehensive Weight Loss Mastery program, you'll already be well ahead of the process!

When you add it all up, that’s a value of well over $350...

But when you join today, you’ll get access to everything for just:






There's NO hyper-restrictive DIETING to be found in this program.

You know what I'm talking about, right?

Plain skinless chicken breast & steamed broccoli protocols ...

...where you can't have alcohol, dessert or anything resembling pleasure.  🚫 

If that's the kinda plan you're looking for,

head on over to the OC -

go to CUT FITNESS and ask for Tamra!

(Apologies to non-Real Housewives fans! 😬)


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