Nothing's worse than 'white knuckling it' through a restrictive diet - maybe losing a few pounds only to gain it all back as soon as you make your way back to "normal" life.
But yet, you feel like you need to DO SOMETHING!
You're tired of feeling uncomfortable in your own skin, feeling like you have to hide or cover up, feeling drained all the time and even declining fun invites because you feel like you can't have the things you enjoy if you're trying to "be good" and "lose weight".
You've been around this block a few times...This time you KNOW for sure that another restrictive diet or meal plan with no flexibility is NOT the way to go...
Weight Loss after the age of 40 is not JUST about your diet and exercise...
It's not ALL about your hormones either...
Your THINKING is the #1 factor in achieving PERMANENT results.
WHAT IF you could:
You've learned so many painful lessons from so many failed diets in the past.
You're wiser now.
You won't be fooled again.
If you don't change anything - nothing will change, right?
As in: Weight won't magically come off by itself.
Yet you just KNOW there must be something out there that'll FINALLY work for you...
So what do you do?
You hit up 'the Google' or a bookstore.
You ask your BFF (who looks amazing) what she's doing.
Ah...Shakeology! Strict Keto! Another Whole30...or maybe the 30 day J-Lo or Beyonce Vegan Challenge...
In other words...all the research eventually leads to more unsustainable diets. UGH!
Maybe you go to your doctor to find out "what's wrong with you". Is it your thyroid? gut? adrenals? menopause?
Perhaps you hire a dietician or trainer - join a gym or a medical weight loss center. Once again, you'll be handed another unsustainable diet - or even worse - an adrenal crushing workout regimen to go with it.
Or maybe it's back to Weight Watchers again.
Hey, it worked in 1992!
Even though the thought of counting points, using spray butter, eating Smart Ones and facing that public scale again sends feelings of shame, dread and doom down to your core, you just might consider it for a sec...but then you wise up again.
That's it!
If you just give up alcohol, or cut out that afternoon latte, or stop dipping into the office candy jar - or maybe you give up eating cheese, popcorn or ice cream after dinner...or cut back on portions...maybe cut carbs - or maybe fat...That should do the trick!
Except after the first week or two - you have a slip...and then another - and then you finally say 'eff it' and the old habits slip back in - and then some - because you need to make up for lost time.
This body ain't so bad. 'I can learn to love myself at any size!'
(You totally can! I 💯 encourage this.)
Except for the reality that you're so depressed when you see yourself in pictures from the last family function that you just wanna cry.
You make a mental note to avoid being in all pictures from now on and to never wear that outfit again.
Or when you go to put on your shorts in the spring and you feel like a sausage...or you can't even button them.
Did they shrink?
You can't even think about wearing a bathing suit this summer.
And when your girlfriends talk about a Girl's Trip to the beach for winter break you turn-off any feelings of excitement because the thought of being seen like this is just too dreadful.
So you go to the store and buy more stretchy, drapey, looser clothes that expand with you and hide you even more than you already want to hide.
You want to accept and love yourself, but you know deep down this isn't who you truly are inside. You just don't feel comfortable in your own skin - and without feeling comfortable in your own skin, you don't feel good or confident about yourself or life...
On top of that you don't feel great physically. You're exhausted. You feel winded climbing a flight of stairs - and then there's the mystery aches and pains that creep in. Not to mention the out of range blood work the doctor is concerned about.
You're feeling old AND frumpy...wondering: "Is this my life now?"
All the struggle...All the thoughts about deprivation and restriction, all the self hate...TRANSFORM into you making empowered, goal supportive, nourishing choices.
In just a few weeks, you'll start to figure it out for real - FINALLY.
And when you do the work - consistently - and you're on the other side - not too long from now, you'll just beam and be amazed because, it turns out, it's so stupid simple too. Change isn't easy, but it's incredibly simple.
You're eating amazing food, you consciously choose to indulge in your favorite cocktail or desserts each week...You feel incredible and look even better. You begin to trust yourself again...YOU...and your body.
You're guided, supported and 100% aligned. You're confident and rocking your smaller size....You found her - the real YOU!
All you have to do is take the first step....
It's not your fault, it's just human nature, but only YOU can change how you think - about life's circumstances, your weight, food and your body.
Food and alcohol are often used to mask uncomfortable feelings, relieve stress or overwhelm and to counter a lack of fulfillment or boredom.
You must be willing to experience - to really feel - the discomfort of these emotions.
This discomfort won't kill you, but you've likely conditioned yourself to avoid feeling it at all costs. (This is totally human, by the way.)
If weight has been a struggle, this pattern has come at a very real - even more uncomfortable cost though, right?
The price of being overweight, yo-yo dieting, poor body image, living with that disconnection from yourself, your body, your peace and true joy is substantial. You didn't consciously sign up for this, but you did allow it to happen.
Start to be open to feeling.
Start to imagine the possibility of managing your weight and choices mindfully, yet effortlessly.
Think of food as nourishment - and your body and choices as aligned, connected and self-balancing - and you'll shift the old diet paradigm to one that gets you to EXACTLY where you want to be.
The $72 Billion Weight Loss industry and the multi trillion dollar health care industry - even our government, the media and education systems have been teaching you since childhood that you need processed food and that you need to eat less and exercise more in order to lose weight.
AND they've set up the systems and infrastructure so that you need their products, drugs, surgery and programs to do this.
Meanwhile the ca-jillion dollar processed food industry markets all of these fake products that promise heart health, zero trans-fats and weight loss - yet all these 'food-like substances' cause is inflammation, disease and addiction.
By grounding yourself and your approach to real food in a balanced, nourishing way, your appetite signals, taste buds, hormones, inflammatory systems and weight will all come into balance naturally.
Yes - we're bucking ALL the systems in here!
The mentality of restriction, deprivation and forcing your body to lose weight - as you likely have experienced - is just not sustainable.
Once you return to "normal life", the weight comes back too.
Your approach has GOT to be balanced - especially as a woman over 40. This means eating enough real food, moving appropriately for where your body is 'at' right now, sleeping well, having fun, lightening up and managing your mind.
You'll likely want to include "worth it" indulgences every once in a while so that the restrict>binge>workout harder cycle finally ends.
The approach you choose now is the approach you'll use 10 years from now - and you'll absolutely love it - because you'll create it within my proven framework!
"I’ve lost over 50 pounds with Evelyn’s support - without severe restriction. I eat real food and drink in moderation which feels great in my body, but more importantly it doesn’t feel restrictive. This is SO key for me. I have a very fun and active social life, so it was not sustainable for me to go on a highly restrictive “diet” (AGAIN!), where I couldn’t hang out with my friends and enjoy life."
Teresa M., 47
"Working with Evelyn changed my life!
When we met I felt stuck about weight loss. Evelyn taught me what it meant to find my personal approach and I did! She helped me get through the tough times providing support and knowledge. My complaints before working with Evelyn were joint pain, inflammation, feeling stuck about losing weight, always feeling hungry, tired and stubborn belly fat. All that changed after I starting learning these tools from her. I was in my red bikini within a month!"
This is the last program you'll ever need. Focusing your precious time and energy on losing weight will be a thing of the past for you - FINALLY!
I developed this method because it's the only approach that works long term - no matter what kind of hormonal situation you're dealing with - Hashimoto's, adrenal dysfunction, peri-menopause or menopause. I've personally worked through it all and learned through a lot of trial and error that it's all about finding the right balance. Balance in diet, lifestyle and the MIND has a direct influence on your weight, the immune system, detoxification systems and your hormones.
Weight Loss Mastery for Women Over 40 is the ONLY program of its kind that…
1. Shows you how to bring body systems and weight back into natural balance. As you consistently apply these principles, the weight balance will follow.
2. Ends the restrict > binge > lose > regain dieting cycle.
3. Connects your thoughts and actions directly to your results.
4. Empowers you to make choices that support your desired results - NOT the impulsive/mindless/habitual desires that have been programmed into your subconscious thinking and eating patterns.
5. Ties in all the aspects around what to eat, when to eat, how to eat - how to connect to your body, your food, how to exercise appropriately, rest, sleep, manage stress and most of all - to live with pleasure.
So if you’re ready to finally lose weight permanently...YES - even as a woman over 40 - while avoiding the yo-yo diet cycle once and for all...
Module Highlights:
Module Highlights:
Module Highlights:
This module will equip you with a solid foundation to ensure key hormones are balanced WITHOUT hormone replacement therapy or expensive testing. Nature didn't design women to require drugs and exogenous hormones to live a normal optimal life over the age of 40. You'll ...
Discover how to modulate low sex hormones with diet and lifestyle to optimize fat loss, boost libido, improve sleep, reduce menopausal symptoms and elevate mood and brain function.
Module 4 really ties ALL the critical aspects of living a balanced life together in an integrative way. Sleep, rest, pleasure, exercise - how we take things on and live our lives - all of these factors have profound impacts on health (and our weight).
You've been taught to use exercise to manage your weight, but this isn't exactly true. In fact, too much exercise can lead to more inflammation and hormonal imbalances - especially in women over 40. With movement, it's all about finding balance. You want to move everyday for health, stress reduction and to get outside more, but being careful not to overtrain to the point of creating adrenal stress and an inflammatory response in the body.
Alignment with your truth and deeper purpose is the key to fulfillment (and weight balance)...this is a big topic for women over 40....This lesson will help you recognize patterns such as people pleasing, stress/busyness addiction, leaky boundaries, procrastination and avoidance so that you can shift more toward authentic living.
'Triple A' can be viewed as a cycle: You Apply what you've learned and the eating/lifestyle approach you've chosen, Assess if it's working for you and Adjust if it's not. Then you rinse and repeat.
Hormones Mastered? Are symptoms improving, how is hunger, energy, sleep, cravings, mood, libido? Is blood sugar regulated so that insulin is balanced enough to promote fat burning?
Is your Lifestyle Mastered? Sleep, stress, movement and life alignment may take some time to get right. Be patient, keep practicing and be open to change.
Weight Loss Mastery for Women Over 40 is designed for permanent transformation, not quick fix weight loss. You must first learn and then apply the information CONSISTENTLY to achieve results.
If within the first seven days of enrolling and before Module 2 opens, after applying the materials and doing the work, you still decide this program is NOT for you, just reach out to me and I'll do everything in my scope of practice to make it better. If you demonstrate that the work was completed and you still aren't satisfied, I'll gladly provide a full or partial refund depending on the content accessed.
After the seven days and/or before Module 2 is released if you join later, with access to coaching, the community and so much of the life-changing digital content, you'll be committed.
I'll still do all I can to help you be successful, but YOU have to show up, do the work and be open to changing lifelong patterns.
$1997+ Value
Exclusive 5 module course delivered digitally in a dedicated course platform - $763 Value
Bonus! Private Facebook Group Support - $240 Value
Bonus! LIVE Group Coaching Sessions with each module - $650 Value
When you add it all up, that’s a value of nearly $2000!
But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:
3 Monthly Payments of
1 Payment of
'Metabolic damage' is less of a diagnosis and more indicative of an imbalance usually caused by too much extreme dieting/exercising and chronic stress patterns. By applying the program tools and methods, the body will eventually come into balance, including weight balance. It may take a little longer and it will likely require more focus and precision, but trust that the body is self-healing - it's always seeking "homeostasis" (balance) if you allow it.
So although it would be impossible for me to guarantee weight loss for everyone, I can guarantee that you will have my personal support and have access to proven tools that - if applied correctly and consistently - will set the foundation for the release of stored body weight in the most personalized, balanced, nourishing way possible.
These conditions are diagnostic labels that are rooted in hormonal imbalances. If you're already being treated by a physician and you have medical approval, this program could help you improve your condition because it's designed to nourish you at the cellular level while reducing stress and inflammation.
Please work with your doctor though - especially if you're on any medication or medical protocol.
Although I have extensive experience working with these conditions (I've had most of them), the program is not designed to focus on treating specific and severe health issues. Its focus is solely on weight loss, natural approaches to diet, lifestyle and hormonal balance while developing a change mindset.
Severe health conditions and imbalances (extreme cases) will, of course, require more medical supervision. If this is you, although this program provides a solid nutrition and lifestyle foundation; it may be best to focus your efforts on healing first instead of weight loss.
This is a common myth! It's all about balance. Some women find they need to eat more - some less. Some women need to move more - some need to really scale back their training to find the right balance. This program - along with the coaching provided - will give you the tools to determine the right mix for your body at this stage of life.
As long as you eat real food, you can build your meals with the foods you choose using the programs' proprietary system.
You can modify all meal plans and recipes to suit any dietary needs. In addition, the weekly coaching and Facebook group will be available for you to get support with any food related concerns throughout the program.
This is exactly why I created this program! SO many women have approached me feeling "bad" for wanting to lose weight. The 'Ditch the Scale', body positivity movements are great, but the message perpetuates the shame of desiring optimal weight and body composition even more for those of us who truly want to improve this aspect of our lives.
It's OK to NOT want to lose weight, but it's totally OK to desire weight loss too!
PERMANENT weight loss is the focus of the course, but in a balanced - lifelong - way.
Your investment is the first big step, but your success will come with all the small steps you consistently take afterward.
This program is designed to keep you engaged and aware, but ultimately you have to show up and do the work. Module 2 will be so key for you. Once the newness of Week 1 wears off, you'll work on developing the skills of commitment, perseverance and resiliency that may have been lacking in other programs and in previous attempts. I offer whatever level of accountability you need to be successful within the parameters of the program.
Yes! Weight Loss Mastery is delivered digitally and is available when you are! The 5 Modules are released over the course of the program and the last part of the program is dedicated to making adjustments, troubleshooting and ensuring you're developing proficiency with the new changes you're making to be sure you're heading toward your goals and that these new changes are becoming well formed, better habits. Plus for as long as this program exists, you have access!
Sorry, no. I've intentionally designed the program content for slow release to prevent overwhelm and so that you absorb and solidify each week's content fully.
You must have internet connectivity to be able to access the program content. You can use a smartphone, computer and/or tablet to login to your exclusive program portal where you'll be able to watch, listen, read and download the videos, audios, guides and worksheets.
The software I selected to house the program content is very user friendly and accessible. You simply log in and click away.
You don't need to participate on Facebook to complete the program, however, it is the only way to connect with other members other than our live coaching calls and the comments area found in the course portal.
I have a Master's Degree in Nutrition that is based on Functional Medicine principles. I'm board certified as a Certified Nutrition Specialist which is a state recognized credential across the US. I also teach, write and have worked 1:1 and clinically with clients for 10 years.
Functional Medicine Nutrition is based on identifying the root causes of imbalances - not on treating symptoms or following government dietary guidelines (as is standard practice in conventional dietetics).
For example:
Being overweight is a symptom.
The root cause may be due to emotional or habitual overeating, eating inflammatory foods, insulin resistance or other hormonal imbalances, gut/immune dysfunction, detoxification impairment, inflammatory processes, etc...
I work with you at that root cause level.
I also have numerous certifications and trainings in health coaching, life coaching, hormone physiology, metabolism, energy healing and yoga.
Aside from my varied and extensive education, I've had the personal experience of healing my own imbalances and conditions including: Hashimoto's (autoimmune thyroid disease), adrenal dysfunction, insulin resistance, menopause, other hormonal imbalances, gut issues, candida - even heavy metal toxicity.
You might say I've been through the ringer :), but I've learned so much through this journey....especially with weight loss.
At one point I reached over 200 pounds with pregnancy. For decades I struggled with losing and gaining the same 10, 15, 20-25 pounds over and over again - using all kinds of restriction, cleanses and over-exercise.
Menopause only exacerbated my struggle as I went through the crux of the transition a few years ago at the age of 47. It was through this time I got support and evolved my thinking and behavior. I learned to balance my weight naturally, without restriction by learning and applying powerful tools to manage my mind, my emotions, my stress and my eating and drinking patterns.
A real food ketogenic approach works and feels best for my body right now, but I also allow for small doses of whole food carbohydrates and good wine every week too!
About half of my clients follow a real food, anti-inflammatory Keto approach and the other half a moderate carbohydrate real food approach. Both are effective for weight loss as long as you love the way you're eating. That's what matters the most.
This is why I developed this teach you the same methods and mindset - with balance and moderation - overlaying your individual needs and preferences to help you develop the best personalized approach for you.
Although I don't take insurance; HSA/FSA cards may be used if your administrator allows it.
Otherwise, you may be eligible for reimbursement. Check with your administrator for details and let me know what documentation is needed for you to get reimbursed.
$1997 Value
Exclusive 5 module course delivered digitally in a dedicated course platform - $763 Value
Bonus! Private Facebook Group Support - $240 Value
Bonus! LIVE Group Coaching Sessions with each module - $650 Value
When you add it all up, that’s a value of nearly $2000!
But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:
3 Monthly Payments of
1 Payment of
50% Complete
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